scene from Logan's Run (Michael Anderson, 1976)
Larsen is a visual artist, writer, curator and teacher living in San Francisco. He co-curated the New Yipes reading series in Oakland with Cynthia Sailers in 2005, and solo from 2006 to January 2008. He is a scholar of Greek and Arabic literature and the author of The Thorn (Faux Press, 2005), whose first benshi performance to a scene from “Troy” in 2005 earned wide praise.
scenes from The Passion of Jeanne D'Arc (Carl Dreyer, 1928)
Maryrose Larkin is the author of Inverse (nine muses books), The Book of Ocean (i.e. press), and Whimsy Daybook 2007 (FLASH+CARD). She is co-editor, with Sarah Mangold, of Flash+Card, a chapbook and empheria press. She lives in Portland, and is a member of the Spare Room collective. Musician and visual artist Eric Matchett's recent projects include Nest and Milk Crate Madness. “Labor Day,” an album made during August 2007, can be found at www.archive.org. He is member of The Taken Girls and Turkey Makes Me Sleepy. Eric is currently creating a glitch dub album with Tape Mountain's Jake Anderson.
scene from Solaris (Andrei Tarkovsky, 1972)
Daedalus, who works in every medium except needlepoint, is the director of Helsinqi, a Portland design/media startup. He dons his videographer and performer hats for his first neo-benshi turn, and lives online at www.leodaedalus.com. Abel is a Portland wordsmith and gadabout, and one of the founding organizers of the Spare Room reading series, now in its seventh year. A dyed-in-the-wool Hollis Frampton fan, he was also a member of the Four Wall Cinema collective.
scene from Mary Poppins (Robert Stevenson, 1964)
Koeneke moved to Portland from San Francisco in 2006 and is the author of two books of poems, Musee Mechanique (BlazeVOX, 2006) and Rouge State (Pavement Saw, 2003). He has performed neo-benshi pieces for Guru Dutt’s Bollywood weepie “Pyaasa” and Paul Wegener’s silent monster classic “The Golem.” He co-curates the Tangent Reading Series in Portland with poets Kaia Sand and Jules Boykoff.
home movie footage by William Cheney, Pacific Northwest inventor & machinist (c. 1935-1945)
Sand is the author of interval (Edge Books, 2004), selected as a Small Press Traffic Book of the Year 2004, and several chapbooks through Dusie (www.dusie.org). She co-authored with Jules Boykoff the recently released Landscapes of Dissent: Guerrilla Poetry & Public Space (Palm Press 2008) and co-curates with Rodney Koeneke & Jules Boykoff the Tangent Reading Series in Portland, Oregon, where she lives.
scene from Minority Report (Stephen Spielberg, 2002)
Steiner is a filmmaker and independent curator living in San Francisco. His films have shown in off-multiplex screens around the world. He has been involved in the production of many live film narration events since 2003 in SF, New York, and Los Angeles. He was a film programmer at SF Cinematheque for four years (2003-2006) and currently with Irina Leimbacher he co-curates the kino21 screening series in San Francisco.
scenes from The Passion of Anna (Ingmar Bergman, 1969)
Sailers lives in Alameda, California, is the author of Lake Systems (Tougher Disguises, 2004), serves on the board of Small Press Traffic in San Francisco, and is a former co-curator of the New Yipes reading series in Oakland. She is currently writing a dissertation on narcissism and perversion in pathological group organization for the Wright Institute in Berkeley, CA.
scene from Judex (Georges Franju, 1963)
Cole is a poet, translator, visual artist, teacher, and painter living in San Francisco. She is the author of many works of poetry, including the CD-ROM “Scout” (Krupskaya, 2004) and Collective Memory (Poetry Center and Granary Press, 2006). McGinnes lives in San Francisco and has been involved in theater as a director and actor for many years, most recently working with Poets Theater productions in San Francisco. Cole wrote the script for the scene chosen by McGinnes, who performed it first in July 2005 in San Francisco.
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