Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Grin & Baer it

I like many things about living here, but OPB's April Baer—just the chipper folksy voiceprint of OPB's April Baer—isn't one of them.


Phanero Noemikon said...

i do sort of 'hear' the name
in an almost rosebud like whisper
but w/ a comma perhaps

april, bear (bare)

as in the naked suffering
and the lush evocatia of spring
and all, here, the showers ~

the foten-vencil name always
gives me a little dog-head as well

i feel like bugs bunny
repeating "Hossenfeffer?"
to myself


neighbors and stranger..
the day.

Anonymous said...

She irritates the A.M.
"There's been an accident on the Banfield :)!" "it's going to rain today:)!" and stumbles over her words in a highly unpredictable way. I...never...know..whe..n...she-ll...sc/rew..up. Oh OPB please don't hire any more cheerleaders.