Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Wednesday, January 01, 2025

The Year in Poetry, 2024


A thanks to the poets whose work I got to hear in Portland in 2024:

Abel, David
Ainsworth, Maudie
Antigua, Diannely

Cobb, Allison
Coleman, Jen
Conoley, Gillian
Corless-Smith, Martin

Daniels, Chris
Dickey, Ruth

Fuhrman, Joanna

Gizzi, Peter

Hall, Alice
Harb, Harrison
Harrington, Joseph
Huapaya, Giancarlo

Lohmann, Sam

Mangold, Sarah
Mattraw, Alex
Morse, Jesse

Nguyen, Diana Khoi

Olson, Tanya

Pai, Shin Yu
Pollock, Joshua

Rocha, Flavia
Rosenthal, Sarah
Roy, Camille

Safdie, Joe
Skoog, Ed
Smith, Danez
Stafford, Kim
Stein, Suzanne

Villaran, Jose Antonio

Wallace, Mark
Winter, Laura
Witte, Valerie

Yeary, James
Yoro, Charity E.

Monday, January 29, 2024

Monday, January 01, 2024

The Year in Poetry, 2023


A thanks to the poets whose work I got to hear in Portland in 2023:

Abel, David
Armantrout, Rae

Beckman, Joshua
Beer, John
Bernheimer, Alan
Bulley, Victoria Adukwei

Chua, Rena Garcia
Collins, Arda
Corrigan, Brittney

Daniels, Chris
Day, Jean

Fishman, Lisa
Fleming, Gerald
Fuhrman, Joanna 

Gevirtz, Susan
Gonzalez, Elisa

Hirshfield, Jane

Jackson, Major
Johnson, Jessica E.

Larkin, Maryrose
Lee, Annabel
Lee, Janice
Lohmann, Sam
Luna, Christopher
Lupo, Lorraine

Maziar, Paul
Meier, Richard
Mojgani, Anis
Molnar, Daniela Naomi

Nichelle, Jae
Notley, Alice

de la Paz, Oliver

Rabins, Alicia Jo
Reeves, Roger
Reilly, Evelyn
Rekdal, Paisley
Roberson, Ed
Rocha, Flavia
Russo, Linda

Savage, Claudia Saleeby
Schlesinger, Kyle
Shaner, Tim
Skinner, Jonathan

Tierney, Orchid

Vasquez, Angie Trudell

Williams, Tyrone 
Woodard, Deborah

Zapruder, Matthew

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Kiss the Liberator [12 years]

Lesley in SF

Glitter Mini 9 "Kiss the Liberator"

Sunday, January 01, 2023

The Year in Poetry, 2022

A thanks to the poets whose work I got to hear in Portland in 2022:

Abel, David
Alexander, Charles

Boldt, Lindsay

Canty, Turner 
Carty, Bill

Dunagan, Patrick James
Dundon, Patrick

Edwards, Joshua

Griffitts, Meg E.

Hongo, Garrett

Kahn, Jacob

Mojgani, Anis

Safdie, Joe
Scarano, Caitlin
Siegel, Marisa

Tibble, Tayi
Tillinghast, Richard

Wong, Shelley

Xu, Lynn

Yeary, James

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Automate [11 years]

Lesley @ Warped Tour, San Francisco
Glitter Mini 9 “Automate”
I hear you
I see you
You need to

It won’t kill you
They’ll rebuild you
You’re better off this way

Hey, hey, hey

You are breaking
And you’re hating every day
Now it’s time you
Come around to
Your new life in solid state

Hey, hey, hey

Love you, Transistor

Saturday, January 01, 2022

The Year in Poetry, 2021

A thanks to the poets whose work I got to hear in Portland in 2021:

Cobb, Allison

Johnson, Juleen Eun Sun

Morse, Jesse

Newton, Ryan

Poulin, Melissa Reeser

Sigo, Cedar

Walton, Thomas

Friday, January 29, 2021

Cuckoo [10 years]

Glitter Mini 9 “Cuckoo”

Friday, January 01, 2021

The Year in Poetry, 2020

A thanks to the poets whose work I got to hear in Portland in 2020:

Bruno, Franklin

Glazer, Michele

Radon, Lisa

Rocha, Flávia

Silano, Martha

Yeary, James

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Ronnie's Racing School [9 years]

(l-r): Lesley, C., M. @ Warped Tour, SF

Glitter Mini 9 “Ronnie’s Racing School”
Who’s that cool cat
racing down the track?
Is it Cary Grant?
No he’s too laid back

Larger than life
Ronnie’s making out 
icon of his time
he’s what motor sports are all about

Ronnie’s Racing School
making men of fools
Ronnie’s Racing School
it’s cool, it rules, it rules

Pack of Lucky Strikes
smoking down the speedway
you just cant deny
he’s hotwired for the 21st century

Ronnie’s Racing School
you know you can’t lose
Ronnie’s Racing School
it’s cool, it rules, it rules

Ronnie, hey
and the boys and the girls
they cry, he’s so shy
Ronnie hey

Ronnie’s Racing School
making men of fools
Ronnie’s Racing School
it’s cool, it rules, it rules, it rules (x2)

Wednesday, January 01, 2020

The Year in Poetry, 2019

A thanks to the poets whose work I had a chance to hear in Portland in 2019:

Akant, Sara Deniz
Alexander, Will
Ali, Kazim
Armantrout, Rae
Ashby, Chris
Atsitty, Tacey M.

Ballard, Micah
Beckman, Joshua
Beer, John
Bernheimer, Alan
Bettridge, Joel
Blythe, Ali
Boldt, Lindsay
Book, Shane
Bouwsma, Julia
Bravo, Rodrigo
Brings Plenty, Trevino
Brolaski, Julian Talamantez

Calvocoressi, Gabrielle
Chang, Tina
Cobb, Allison
Cole, Norma
Craig, Michael Earl
Czaga, Kayla

Da´, Lauren
DinéYazhi´, Demian
Dutton, Danielle
Dykstra, Kristin

Eisen-Martin, Tongo
Elkins, Ansel
Elliot, Joseph

Fernandes, Raoul
Frey, Emily Kendal

Gander, Forrest
Gibson, Dobby

Inbar, Tomer

Jess, Tyehimba

Kearney, Douglas

Larsen, Sara
Lasky, Dorothea
Laux, Dorianne
Limon, Ada
Lohmann, Sam

Mahrer, Gregory
Matejka, Adrian
McCann, Anthony
McCollum, Seann
McSweeney, Joyelle
Meier, Richard
Mody, Monica
Murphy, Miguel

Negus, Sean
Newton, Ryan
Nguyen, Diana Khoi

Orth, Steve
Ostriker, Alicia

Pardlo, Gregory
Pearson, Nancy K.

Rabins, Alicia Jo
Raz, Yosefa
Reines, Ariana
Robinson, Kit

Scafidi, Steve
Schlegel, Rob
Schomburg, Zachary
Sharma, Prageeta
Shazia, Hafiz Ramji
Sikelianos, Eleni

Thibodeaux, Sunnylyn

Wayne, Phoebe
Welish, Marjorie
Wiatr, Zosia
Wier, Dara
Willis, Wendy
Wise, Consuelo
Westerman, Gwen Neil
Williams, Ian

Yeager, Peter
Yeary, James

Zamora, Felicia
Zapruder, Matthew
Zawacki, Andrew
Zucker, Rachel

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Gimme a Teenager [8 years]

(l-r): M., Lesley, C.on Lesley's roof, SF
Glitter Mini 9  “Gimme a Teenager
Im not your girlfriend
Im not your safety pin
today is not your lucky day

The broken locks
the burning sheets
the bad ideas
coming back to me

Every day the sun is shining
the sun is shining, uh-huh

The Devil he says
step back around
two hundred ways for you
to go down, down, down

Come on, come on
well say no way
what we cant help we
give away

Every day the sun is shining
the sun is shining, uh-huh

Every day the sun is shining
the sun is shining, uh-huh

Gimme a teenager
gimme a teenager
gimme a teenager
gimme one now (x2)

Tuesday, January 01, 2019

The Year in Poetry, 2018

A thanks to the poets whose work I had a chance to hear in Portland in 2018:

Abel, David
Adams-Santos, Stephanie
Arterian, Diana

, Samiya
Beckman, Joshua
Bellamy, Dodie
Blanchfield, Brian
Brolaski, Julian Talamantez

Denrow, Jennifer

Ford, Katie
Froude, Richard

Gander, Forrest
Gladman, Renee

Hass, Robert

Killian, Kevin

Landman, Seth
Larsen, David
Lee, Janice
Levad, Megan
Limon, Ada
Lohmann, Sam

Mead, Jane
Muske-Dukes, Carol
Myles, Eileen

Pardlo, Gregory

Rabins, Alicia Jo
Raphael, Dan

Silverman, Oren
Simonds, Sandra
Skoog, Ed

Tillinghast, Julia Clare
Toliver, Ashley
Tran, Stacey

Vassilakis, Nico

Wilkins, Joe

Yang, Jeffrey
Yeary, James

(completing the dozen: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017)

Monday, January 29, 2018

Leisure West [7 years]

M., C., Lesley
Glitter Mini 9  “Leisure West”  

You should know where
home is
close your eyes and
think on this
life—why cry now?
Why cry now?

If you don’t get
sick of it
come on down it’s
time to get
your prize, and get it right
now lie down

Top of the sun
that sets down behind Leisure West
dissolving the girl of my dream
till she is nothing
till she is nothing

[spoken: If I die, I’d like to be in a place where people can come and have a picnic or a barbecue. I wouldn’t be offended if you’re barbecuing around my grave or my headstone; I just want people to know that.]

You should know where
home is
come around to
Leisure West
find out
one down 
why cry now?

Monday, January 01, 2018

The Year in Poetry, 2017

A thanks to the poets whose work I got to hear in Portland in 2017:

abreu, manuel arturo
Armantrout, Rae

Beispiel, David
Brazil, David
Brolaski, Julian Talamantez

Carr, Julie
Ciccarello, Lisa
Cisper, Mary
Cobb, Allison
Cohen, Alicia
Cole, Norma
Coleman, Jen
Conrad, CA

Dunbar, Donald

Eisen-Martin, Tongo

Firestone, Jennifer
Fischer, Norman
Freeman, John

Galvin, Sarah
Goldberg, Ariel

Harris, Jamondria Marnice
Hasegawa, Craig
Heuving, Jeanne 
Hou, Christine Shan Shan
Hunter, Lauren

Knittle, Davy

Lamb, Meghan
Larsen, Sara
Lawson, Shayla
Levin, Dana
Levin, Lauren
lewis, erica
Lohmann, Sam

Maziar, Paul
Moten, Fred

No, Patricia

Olstein, Lisa

Piuma, Chris
Putnam, C.E. 

Quinn, Hajara

raphael, dan

Sanchez, Erika L. 
Scott, Jordan
Seidenberg, Steven
Sherry, James
Sigo, Cedar
Smith, Danez
Smith, Henry Cole
Sneathen, Eric
Strom, Dao
Sutter, Sara

Tardi, Mark
Tettleton, Parker
Tillinghast, Richard
Toscano, Rodrigo
Tran, Stacey

Vermaas, Jake

Weir, Dara
White, Arisa
Willis, Wendy
Wong, Jane

Yankelevich, Matvei
Yeary, James

Zamora, Javier
Zapruder, Matthew

(From the archive: 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007)

Sunday, January 29, 2017

The Last Perfect Day [6 years]

Lesley in Bernal Heights, SF

Glitter Mini 9 U.F.O. 

is coming down to make
the last perfect day
and what you put
in your breakfast
it sway the earth’s gravity

The U.F.O.
is coming down to change 
your frequency
and what you hum in your head low
satellite emergency
the holiday
could last all week

I look up to the sky
I’d love to wave goodbye
goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
I wish that it was
I really want my holiday

is coming down to make
the last perfect day
turn off your
television and turn it on
your data aid

The U.F.O.
she’s coming down to blow
your chemistry
and what it was
don’t worry you’ll adjust
to everything
a holiday
is what you need

I look up to the sky
I want to make it right
alright, right, right, right

I know that it could
this starlight
this star bright

I see the sun, I see the sign
I see the sun, I see the sun ...

Sunday, January 01, 2017

The Year in Poetry, 2016

A thanks to the poets whose work I got to hear in Portland in 2016:

Abel, David
de Acosta, Alejandro
Adamshick, Carl
Ashby, Chris

Bakaitis, Vyt
Beckman, Joshua
Beer, John
Bernheimer, Alan
Boone, Bruce
Borsuk, Amaranth
Buzzeo, Melissa

Cohen, Alicia
Coleman, Jen

Dower, Kim

Fletcher, Jenna Marie
Frey, Emily Kendal

Gray, Robert Duncan
Gregerson, Linda
Griffin, Whit

Haber, Zack
Halpern, Rob
Harris, Ally
Haynes, Lamarra
Hunter, Carrie

Jensen, Rachael
Jess, Tyehimba
Johnson, Jessica

Kronovet, Jennifer

Larkin, Maryrose
Lyons, Kimberly

Mackey, Nathaniel
Mangold, Sarah
Maziar, Paul
Mehl, Liz
Mills, Ryan

No, Patricia

O’Malley, A.M.

Pico, Tommy
Poe, Deborah
Powell, D.A. 

Rosenthal, Sarah
Ruoff, Lindsay Allison

Schlesinger, Kyle
Schultz, Susan
Simon, Aaron
Straw, Timmy
Strom, Dao

Tharp, Shannon
Tillinghast, Julia Claire

Wilkins, Joe
Witte, Valerie

Yim, Lu

Zucker, Rachel

Complete decade: 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007