Sunday, December 9th, 7:30 pm
New American Art Union
922 SE Ankeny
SUSAN BRIANTE'S first collection of poetry, Pioneers in the Study of Motion, was recently published by Ahsahta Press. Poet CD Wright describes the book as “a work of shuddering velocity . . . an ode, a screed, a lament, a love song of ‘pristine and inarticulate mornings.’” Briante’s poetry, essays and translations have recently appeared in Damn the Caesars, Fascicle, Bombay Gin and The Believer. From 1992-1997, she lived in Mexico City where she worked for the magazines Artes de México and Mandorla. Briante is an assistant professor of aesthetic studies at the University of Texas at Dallas.
KEN RUMBLE is the author of Key Bridge (Carolina Wren Press, 2007), and the marketing director for the Green Hill Center for North Carolina Art. His poems have appeared in Cutbank, Parakeet, The Hat, the tiny, XConnect, Carolina Quarterly, and other journals. He is currently at work with his father on a book about ozone, the early earth’s atmosphere, and Antarctica.
4 hours ago
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